Tuesday, June 26, 2018

rules for speech

Write up your interview data into a useful speech report.

Have an angle.  Present the information with a point of view.

Avoid using numbers, instead say things like "most young people..."

Have a topic sentence that expresses the MAIN IDEA and is critical.

Have supporting sentences which DO NOT deviate from the main idea.

Express opinions and emotions, not just facts.

Think about predictions at the end.

Say why the main idea is significant.  If it isn't, say why it isn't.

How did this survey and topic appeal to you?

Use active verbs.   Avoid "be verb' and stative verbs like "have, like etc"

Remember: all ideas are judgments so,  be courageous and do not avoid making decisions.

Remember colour:  facts, benefits, feelings, concerns, point of view, errors,

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