Monday, July 9, 2018

octopus interview Qs The environment


  1. How is the environment around you? Is it clean?
  2. Describe the most natural environment for a human being. Is that how you live?
  3. What kind of pollution bothers you most on a day-to-day basis? 
  4. Do you think nuclear power plants are too risky?  Should we use them?
  5. Do you think humans will destroy the environment?  In how many years?
  6. Do you think single use plastics should be banned? 
  7. Do you think most people care about the natural environment?
  8. Is the environment more important than the economy?  
  9. Do you know anyone who has health problems related to the environment?
  10. If you could do one thing for the environment, what would you do?
  11. Would you like to work in a job that helps protect the environment?
  12. How do you feel when you hear about global warming? Is there hope for the future? 
  13. Do you believe human activities contribute to global warming? If so, what should we
    do about it? If not, what do you think causes global warming? 
  14. Which type of energy is the most environmentally friendly? Do you use this type of
    energy? Why or why not? 
  15. What is more important to you? Social issues or environmental problems? 
  16. How important is nature to you? Do you try to get close to nature?
  17. What kind of pollution is worst for our health?
  18. What do you do with a piece of trash when there is no trash can near you?
  19. Should people who litter be fined? How much is an appropriate fine?
  20. Would you consider volunteering your holidays to help the environment? 
  21. Do you try to buy environmentally friendly products? If so, please give some
  22. Do you worry about global warming? How serious are the earth’s environmental problems? 

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