Friday, April 27, 2018

Debate space

l  clearly no habitable planet anywhere within millions of light-years of Earth.
l  Mars is near but makes Antarctica seem like paradise.
l  Any money going "space exploration" programs is a waste.  This money should be spent on … improving the everyday life of people on earth.
l  "every rocket fired signifies a theft from those who are hungry and are not fed.

l  What we learn in space will help us on earth
l  The energy and material resources of space will prevent the further destruction of our home
l  Our reluctance to seriously consider meaningful environmental protection laws has almost assured will have to leave the planet.

l   Yes, space exploration is essential to humanity continuing to thrive. Humanity is a species of explorers

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

evening train

The Evening Train

(Write a paragraph of  about 80 - 150 words)

Make reference to a passage that surprised you.  Mention what you learned from the story. What did the writer want us to think about? 

あなたを驚かせたテキストの一部を参照してください。 あなたが物語から学んだことを言及してください。 作家は何を考えて欲しいのですか?