Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Treason questions

1.        How many times does the yellow butterfly appear in the story?  Is it the same butterfly each time?

2.        Who is telling the story?

3.        How was Kanna dressed in the story?

4.        What does Kanna think of her father?

5.        Is Kanna’s father a kind man?

6.        Why did Kanna’s father stand up when the woman came in the room?

7.        Why did the woman say,  “isn’t she too young?”

8.        What is meant by the sentence, “This wasn’t him.” On page 34?

9.        What is meant by the title Treason?

10.    Her father left at the end of the story. Will he return?

11.    What is the topic the writer want us to think more deeply about?

12.    Why do you think her father did what he did?

13.    What is the economic problem in this story?

Friday, May 26, 2017


tolerance for ambiguity in language communication

There is an interesting problem that is often not recognised in language learning.  Interlocutors often don't understand each other but because of our tolerance for ambiguity in communication, we often don't let on that we don't understand the other person.

It is especially the case with small talk.  Small talk is not so much about exchanging information as it is about maintaining relationships.  So, it doesn't really matter if interlocutors don't understand each other well.

Language learners are often encouraged to say so when they don't understand something.  But it is only necessary when exchanging information or getting things done.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017



1.   What kind of village does Emma live in?
2.      What didn't Emma's father like since his accident?
3.        Who didn't want to take the kids to the farm?
4.        How did Emma feel about her village?
5.        How does the country air smell?
6.        Why did Mam want to visit the farm?
7.        How did Emma feel about Dan when he called her father 'Johnny'?
8.        What did Emma and Mam have to do to get a chicken?
9.        Who did Dan like to stare at?
10.    What did Emma think about after they caught the chicken?

11.    Do you think Emma was right or wrong about the shared secret of wrongdoing?

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

luck of four

1.        Does Chai usually win on the lottery?
2.        How is Samy’s business these days?
3.        What did he spend most of his money on?
4.        What will Chai do if he wins the lottery?
5.        Why did Chai not want to tell anyone his lucky numbers?
6.        What did Samy often gve Chai?
7.        Why did Chai feel angry with Samy?
8.       Why did Samy begin to smile in the last scene?
9.        What disease did Samy suffer from?

10.     When is Chai’s birthday?

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

strange child

The strange Child questions

1.      Why couldn’t Linda sleep? 
2.      What did the couple fight about? 
3.      According to the old man, how did Emeka die?  
4.      What did Emeka tell Linda many times
5.      How does Linda feel about Emeka
6.      What did Linda do on the weekend?
7.      When did Linda feel excited? 
8.      What does Linda ask the old man for
9.      What does Linda show them? 
10.  Why did Linda begin to worry? 
11.  Why was the old man filled with worry? 
12.  Why did Linda’s mind stop working? 

13.    What will happen to the strange child?